Factors Related To Today’s America
Wouldn’t it sound right, we might be far – better, served and represented, if/ when, our primary emphasis was on bringing – us – together, for your greater good, instead of, might know about are witnessing, perhaps these days – before, in recent memory, that is a society, of hate/ hatred? How often do I yearn – for, some restoration of sanity, where love, trumps hate, instead? Invariably, when fairness, justice, rights, and freedoms, for – all, take precedence, over, adversarial, polarizing, populist rhetoric, America does have it’s best chance/ opportunity, to be, the top, it could be, and protect, each of our Constitutional guarantees, as opposed to selectively, according to some perception of privilege, enabling, entitlement, superiority, bias, prejudice, and bigotry! With, that at heart, the following paragraphs will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 main reasons, which need to be considered, and addressed, sooner, instead of later!
- Political rhetoric/ vitriol: Although, politicians have, perhaps, nearly – always, stretched – the – truth, for everyone their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, the amount of political rhetoric and vitriol, hasn’t ever seemed as divisive, in recent memory! Issues, which never – before, appeared to be treated, politically (at the least, primarily), are addressed, with an extremely, partisan manner! When priorities, like protecting public safety and health, Constitutional rights and guarantees (fully, rather than selectively, and/ or, conveniently, and articulating viable solutions (for – all), as opposed to populist rhetoric, America, is, at – risk!
- Haters feel enabled, entitled, and protected: We are experiencing a period of time, high have been, more, hate – crimes, than, perhaps, anytime, in recent memory (and, beyond)! It seems, several of these individuals, who, also have these feelings, and opinions/ biases, forever, have already been enabled, and entitled, due to rhetoric, of certain politicians, etc!
- Appealing to fears, and perceived, self – interests: If, America, stops aiming to be, a nation, according to, liberty and justice for all those, and it is driven because of the fears, hatred, etc, and, perceived, self – interest, of the many (although, still, a minority), we now have lost our way, and, if this continues, an outstanding path, with a better – future! We must demand, our hopes and aspirations, tend to be more powerful, and influential, than fears, hatred, and self – interests, or, risk, the, in our democracy!
- Systemic racism: Simply, denying it exists, isn’t going to make, systemic racism, vanish entirely, or become, any less, a threat, in our way, of life, and core principles! All these are created equal, and, Equal protection with the law, have to be, far – more, than some words! Statistics show, we’ve got experienced, more hate crimes, than, nearly, in the past!
- Blaming others because of their challenges (anti – Semitism, racism, etc): How does anyone benefit, inside the longer – term, by centering on blaming and complaining, instead of seeking viable solutions, to challenges, and obstacles? It feels, as though, were on a path, to reduce, that which you stand – for, and represent, largely, for this reason prejudice, bias, hatred, bigotry, blaming, and complaining!
Wake up, America, and demand, our elected officials, and politicians, focus – on, our core principles, and philosophies, as an alternative to partisan politics! Will you seek more, and much better?